Light & Dark Mode Toggle Using HTML | Coding Vlogs

Light & Dark Mode Toggle using HTML, CSS, and JAVASCRIPT it is made by Coding Vlogs Youtube Channel. you can download the source code or copy the source code and use it for free. if you have not subscribed to our youtube channel so subscribe now we are creating a beautiful coding project and providing source code for free. To Download Source Code Scroll Down 


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    <svg class="dark">
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<script  src="./script.js"></script>

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Style (CSS)

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const setTheme = () => {
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// Set theme on page load

const transition = () => {
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// Handle theme toggle
const themeToggleBtn = document.querySelector('.js-toggle-theme');

themeToggleBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {  
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  themeToggleBtn.setAttribute('aria-label', themeLabel);
  themeToggleBtn.setAttribute('title', themeLabel);


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